Quick Start

Quick steps to help you build something with jerni in your local machine

Referral Campaign App

In this example, we will try to build an API server for a new referral campaign where:

  1. unregistered users will sign up with or without a referral code

  2. newly signed up users will have an unique referral code to invite other users

  3. if a user's referral code is used when signing up, that user gets a point.


To complete the following guide, you will need

  1. Node version 8 or newer (to install Node, please go to https://nodejs.org/en/download/)

  2. MongoDB version 3 or newer (to install MongoDB locally, please go to https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/installation/#tutorials)

1. Setup your first project

You are going to create a new folder and create a Node application within it.

$ mkdir referral_journey
$ cd referral_journey
$ npm init --yes

After running these commands, you will find a package.json file in your newly created referral_journey directory. So far so good!

2. Install jerni and jerni-dev

You need to install jerni and jerni-dev package from npm with the following command:

$ npm i jerni
$ npm i -D jerni-dev

For yarn users:

$ yarn add jerni
$ yarn add -D jerni-dev

jerni-dev is a toolkit to improve developers' productivity and experience when developing a jerni app. It should never be used in production server.

With jerni-dev developers don't have to worry about setting up and maintaining an events queue service. It also enables development only features like hot-reloading your event handlers and time-traveling your events history. Read more about jerni-dev at https://github.com/tungv/jerni/blob/master/packages/jerni-dev/readme.md

Then open package.json file for edit. You need to add a subscribe-dev script to scripts path.

"scripts": {
  "subscribe-dev": "jerni-dev index.js"

3. Define Event Handlers

In this step, we're going to tell jerni what it should do when an event arrives. Base on the requirements, we need to react to event "USER_REGISTERED". And the reaction is to insert a new document to mongodb describing the new user.

in jerni an event describes something happened in the past. Events always have a unique and incremental id, a type and an optional payload. It's designed very similarly to a Flux Standard Action

Since it's about something that happened, the type should be in a past participle form, eg. USER_REGISTERED or USER_DEACTIVATED. Note that ALL_CAPS convention is not a requirement but more a personal reference.

To be able to work with mongodb in the opinionated way of jerni we need to install @jerni/store-mongo using npm:

$ npm i @jerni/store-mongo

Create a JavaScript file at models/users.js from the current working directory with the following content:

const { Model } = require("@jerni/store-mongo");
const mapEvents = require("jerni/lib/mapEvents");

module.exports = new Model({
  name: "users",
  version: "1",
  transform: mapEvents({
    USER_REGISTERED: event => ({
      insertOne: {
        id: event.payload.user_id,
        name: event.payload.user_name,
        password: event.payload.hashed_password,
        referred_users: [],
        referral_point: 0

Model is where you handle your events as they arrive. transform property accepts a pure function to transform an event into one or many mongodb operations such as insertOne/insertMany , updateOne/updateMany , deleteOne/deleteMany, for more details please read https://github.com/tungv/jerni/tree/master/packages/store-mongo

mapEvents is a utility function to make it more readable. It's entirely optional but recommended.

4. Connect the journey

We are going to use createJourney function from jerni package to complete a journey. Please create index.js file from the current working directory with the following content:

const createJourney = require("jerni");
const { Store } = require("@jerni/store-mongo");
const createJourney = require("jerni");

const { EVENT_STORE_URL } = process.env;

const mongoStore = new Store({
  name: "referral-app",
  url: "mongodb://localhost:27017",
  dbName: "referral-app",
  models: [require("./models/users")]

module.exports = createJourney({
  stores: [mongoStore]

This code will create a journey by connecting an events queue service to your mongodb store. You can have more than one stores but only one events queue is allowed.

5. Start sending events

Last updated